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TANGO - Textured threads

uvod The threads TANGO are made of 100% polyester textured fiber. This type of threads is suitable for for overlocking. It is ideal for knitwear, because it has got an excellent covering ability and elasticity. TANGO is soft to skin, therefore it is often used for underwear.
    odkaz TANGO 200:

    The most suitable for overlocking seams. The best for underwear, socks, swimsuits, T-shirts, knitwear. We recommend needles No 65-70-75.

    odkaz TANGO 100:

    Used for overlocking seams, underwear, socks, swimsuits, T-shirts, knitwear. When heavier cloth for sewing is used. We recommend needles No 75-80-90.
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The list of possible variants of the product is in the following table.
Clicking on label of the table column allows you to order the list by values of the correspondent column.
ID Description Color Price [CZK] Unit Pack- age
100%PES thread-text300D-15000m 
000 79,00 ks  10 
100%PES thread-text300D-15000m 
000 79,00 ks  10 
100%PES thread-text300D-15000m 
000 86,00 ks  10 
100%PES thread-text300D-15000m 
000 86,00 ks  10 
design: Lollo